Your Personal Coaching Program


Do you feel stuck in your current job, confused, frustrated and not sure about the next steps?
This structured yet individual 6 Session Personal Coaching Program might be just what you need to move you forward. 
You will receive a client workbook each week that you can complete at your own leisure, allowing you time to reflect on your discoveries.

  1. Beginning with a wonderfully visual 'stock take' of where you are right now
  2. Followed by setting goals, exploring options and developing a detailed action plan
  3. Identifying your values and better aligning them with your goals so that you can achieve a better result
  4. Exploring your strengths - identifying authentic and energising feelings and behaviours  and how you utilise them in your work
  5. Exploring your inner dialogue and moving from negative to more positive thoughts and language
  6. Celebrating your efforts and achievements!!

One-on-one Coaching via Phone, Skype or in Person  

 4 or 8 coaching sessions 

3 or 6 months coaching

We will work together to help you:

  • Build confidence in your capabilities and take on challenges with more ease  
  • Manage your inner dialogue and limiting beliefs 
  • Identify your values and beliefs and re-align them to match your goals   
  • Build positive work relationships and feel connected at work   
  • Gain more clarity and make better career choices
  •  Define your goals and take action to move you forward  
  •  Take the next step to advance your career 
  • Workbook provided
  • Weekly email support
  • One weekly check-in phone call
  • Option to vary number of coaching sessions or coaching time frame

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Consulting : Higher Education and VET specialist working with education providers to:

  • Review and develop policies and procedures in learning and teaching and all functions of the student lifecycle
  • Simplify processes to increase operational effectiveness and compliance
  • Cultivate a collaborative consultation framework
  • Seek stakeholder engagement to better understand needs and incorporate contributions
  • Support the implementation of policy and procedure changes

© 2017 HG Coaching & Consulting. All rights reserved.